Number 5: deploying Che 7 behind a firewall (air gap environment) using
Deploying Che 7 with custom images
Unlike Deploying Che 7 to Minishift 1.34+, this doc will explain how to do an Eclipse Che 7 deployment with a custom resource yaml file to override the images used in the deployment.
This process can be used for many things, but in this example it’ll be in support of an air gap environment, where an organization cannot directly see Quay or Red Hat Container Catalog, and must instead reference internally mirrored artifacts within their organization’s firewall.
Unlike Deploying Che 7 to Minishift 1.34+, this doc will explain how to do an Eclipse Che 7 deployment with a custom resource yaml file to override the images used in the deployment.
This process can be used for many things, but in this example it’ll be in support of an air gap environment, where an organization cannot directly see Quay or Red Hat Container Catalog, and must instead reference internally mirrored artifacts within their organization’s firewall.
Fetch them like this (or similar):
cd ~/bin
curl -sSL -o chectl
chmod +x chectl
cd /tmp
curl -sSL -o minishift.tgz
tar xvzf minishift.tgz
mv minishift*/minishift ~/bin/
chmod +x ~/bin/minishift
Fetch them like this (or similar):
cd ~/bin
curl -sSL -o chectl
chmod +x chectl
cd /tmp
curl -sSL -o minishift.tgz
tar xvzf minishift.tgz
mv minishift*/minishift ~/bin/
chmod +x ~/bin/minishift
Start up minishift. (See Start up Minishift for some suggested default settings.)
minishift start
Log in once startup is complete.
oc login 192.168.MY.IP:8433 -u system -p admin
For Eclipse Che 7, pull these images and publish them to your internal registry:
Create a custom resource file, which overrides the default image values from che-operator defaults.go to use your custom registry’s images.
To watch the events and verify which images are pulled, see this post before performing the next step.
Deploy Che to minishift using the custom resource file created above. In this example the namespace
is used instead of the default che
chectl server:start -a operator -p minishift \
--che-operator-cr-yaml=che7-custom-resource-airgap.yaml -n che-op
If you use the minishift addon to deploy Che (which uses a deployment configuration instead of an operator), your custom resource file will not be used. The addon is deprecated.
You should see this:

- Start up minishift. (See Start up Minishift for some suggested default settings.)
minishift start
- Log in once startup is complete.
oc login 192.168.MY.IP:8433 -u system -p admin
- For Eclipse Che 7, pull these images and publish them to your internal registry:
- eclipse/che-server:nightly
- eclipse/che-keycloak:nightly
- centos/postgresql-96-centos7:latest
- Create a custom resource file, which overrides the default image values from che-operator defaults.go to use your custom registry’s images.NOTETo watch the events and verify which images are pulled, see this post before performing the next step.
- Deploy Che to minishift using the custom resource file created above. In this example the namespace
is used instead of the defaultche
:chectl server:start -a operator -p minishift \ --che-operator-cr-yaml=che7-custom-resource-airgap.yaml -n che-op
NOTEIf you use the minishift addon to deploy Che (which uses a deployment configuration instead of an operator), your custom resource file will not be used. The addon is deprecated. - You should see this: