Much ado about scripting, Linux & Eclipse: card subject to change


Kiva Loans - Eight Years Of Changing Lives

As it's November and I haven't blogged in ages, and it's been three years since my last foray into writing a NaNoWriMo, I decided that it's high time I start blogging again. 

So, to start things off gently, here's a quick recap of the loans I've given to, and through them have helped dozens of people to change their lives, $25 at a time.

Checking my stats, I see I have loaned over $3000 since I started giving to Kiva in 2008. 

Only 4 sectors have been so far omitted - honestly, I'm not sure that Personal Use and Entertainment should really be reasons for asking for a loan, but hey.

Though one or two were not fully funded and were therefore returned, I've made over 100 loans to 33 countries - nearly half of those supported by microfinance lenders and Kiva. (I'm not sure which country was included in the first list, but not the second. Maybe that's what happens when countries change names, or are annexed?)

Still have a long way to go to collect all the Activities achievements - nearly one third complete. Challenge accepted!

If you'd like to play this game - a game that changes lives for the better - you can too. Click below to start lending today.