OK, I get it. No sleep and and all geek make Jack a dull boy. Or dead sooner. I suppose I should add 'get more sleep' to my IDP for the year. ;-) More discussion here: Ubersleep? Hacking Sleep? Stupid!
Much ado about scripting, Linux & Eclipse: card subject to change
Something Wicked This Guild Comes?
Found this article in the Star about some possibly paranormal activity at the Guild Inn, just down the road from my house in the 'Borough. Checking out the spirits. Eenteresting.
In: life
No patch for human stupidity
Pity, that. Just finished reading Greg Bear's novel 'Darwin's Radio', which suggests that at least at some point in the future, we - as a species - can look forward to an upgrade, if not a patch. In the meantime, we have to endure the ongoing barrage of idiocy out there, including all the anti-Microsoft malware out there, which has actually gotten them to the point of suggesting that recovery requires reinstallation, something I've been saying since the NT3.5 days. ;-) Well, that and that a Microsoft operating system typically has a half-life of just under 2 years before it becomes functionally useless, either just from use or from infection. kubuntu, anyone?
In: media
A new skin
Well, after much ado, and much better things to do, I've finally gotten around to installing a new skin for this blog, along with contact info. Very little point in resurrecting the old site, now.