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Fight Fire With Grammar

So I finally scored a copy of Metallica's latest "offering", which has a few good tracks, I admit. Overall it sounds more like their first few albums than the self-titled "Black" album or the crap that followed, but with cheesier lyrics and still more radio-friendliness. So, more like Nickelback with heavier guitars.

In a brilliant move to fight music downloading, I see they've adopted a new approach: bad grammar. I'm not sure if the ploy is to ensure that anyone foolish enough to listen to their latest, um, load will be dumbed down and lose in court should they get sued, or to discourage downloads in the first place because generally, the people who have the whatnot to understand how to create, seed, and download torrents will also be offended by the inanity of these songs.

Either way, here's a sample. Note the fact that there's no rhyming reason to use the grammatically incorrect "more strong" when "stronger" would also fit the syllable pattern. (I'll forgive "What don't" in place of "That which doesn't" because c'mon, it's a song, and no one talks that way. But "more strong" - no. One must draw the line at hillbilly English somewhere.)

You rise, you fall, you're down, then you rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong
You rise, you fall, you're down, then you rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong 

Rise, fall, down, rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong
Rise, fall, down, rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong 
