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Deploying Che 7 to Minishift with chectl

With the Che 7 just around the corner, and the realisation that I miss writing, I've decided to resurrect this blog from the dead and start a series of Che 7 tips. 

First up, the handful of steps required to get Che 7 running on Minishift 1.34 (OKD 3.11).


Deploying Che 7 to Minishift with chectl


You need the latest Minishift and chectl releases.
Fetch them like this (or similar):
cd ~/bin
curl -sSL -o chectl
chmod +x chectl
cd /tmp
curl -sSL -o minishift.tgz
tar xvzf minishift.tgz
mv minishift*/minishift ~/bin/
chmod +x ~/bin/minishift


  1. Start up minishift. (See Start up Minishift for some suggested default settings.)
    minishift start
  2. Log in once startup is complete. NOTE: you need cluster admin priviledges.
    oc login 192.168.MY.IP:8433 -u system -p admin
  3. To watch the events and see which images are pulled, see this document.
  4. Deploy Che to minishift using the operator:
    chectl server:start -a operator -p minishift -n che
  5. If using Fix the plugin registry URL to use the latest version:
    oc set env dc/che CHE_WORKSPACE_PLUGIN__REGISTRY__URL=
    You can also use the -a minishift-addon approach to deploy che, which uses a deployment configuration instead of an operator. However, this approach is deprecated as it does not support using a custom resource (eg., for air gap deployments).
    Also, if using Minishift 1.34.0 or earlier with the minishift-addon, you must fix the plugin registry URL to use the latest version:
    oc set env dc/che CHE_WORKSPACE_PLUGIN__REGISTRY__URL=
    You can open the console for the che minishift-addondeployment to verify your change has been applied:
    You should see:
  6. Wait for redeployment to complete.
  7. Once running, you can see your Che instance here:
  8. If you then add a new workspace, you can see even more images pulled in the openshift event log.